While we make every effort to keep information on this website up-to-date and correct, our company accepts no liability for the content of this website, nor makes any warranties about the accuracy, usability, certainty, safety, and suitability for a particular purpose of the information. In no event is Semco Co., Ltd. responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use of the information.
We reserve the right to change, in whole or part, the composition, terms of use, and content of this website, or suspend or discontinue the operation of this website, at any time without prior notice. Regardless of reason, we do not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising from such changes to this website or from suspension or discontinuation of the operation of this website.
Other websites linked from and to this website (hereinafter, “linked websites”) are operated under the control of the respective companies, and are beyond the control of Semco Co., Ltd. Such links do not necessarily imply that we have special relationships, such as partnership, with the linked websites. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the content of the linked websites, nor for any loss or damage that may be caused by the use of the linked websites.